Outer Tara sadhana “The Essence of the Two Accumulations” in pecha format. It has Tibetan text along with English phonetics and translation by Dharmachakra Practices.
Title on the cover page – calligraphy by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.
This sadhana practice belongs to the Tara’s Triple Excellence terma from the New Treasures of Chokgyur Lingpa (Chokling Tersar). Included in the pecha are general lineage supplications, aspirations and dedications.
Printed on paper.
The tradition of lokta paper manufacturing is indigenous to Nepal and dates back more than 1000 years! Lokta is a plant of the laurel family that grows in Nepal at an elevation of 1800 m to 3000 m, and is used as the raw material for the hand-made paper produced in the hills of Western Nepal. Lokta paper is durable and resistant to insects.
Watch the video to learn more about traditional Nepali hand-made lokta paper: