At the request of many of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s students, Dharma Ratna Online has prepared eco-friendly prayer flags (Tib. lungta) made from all-natural materials. These days many inexpensive prayer flags are made with synthetic materials, which concerns all of us who care about ecology and about our Earth. Synthetic-fiber flags are not easily degradable, and when burned, pollute the air and environment.
Dharma Ratna’s eco-friendly prayer flags have been created under the guidance of the senior monks of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery and blessed by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche. Each flag bears a very special prayer, “Chokchu Düshi – The Aspiration of the Vajradhatu Mandala.” This prayer has been revealed as a terma by Chokgyur Lingpa, and is an aspiration spoken by Guru Rinpoche himself at Samye. As the lamas explain, what is special and unique to this aspiration is that it’s all-encompassing. Everything is included: the seven-branch prayer and supplication to the Three Jewels, supplication for the gurus’ long life and flourishing of their activities, aspiration for the well-being of the sangha and of the benefactors and protectors of the teachings, and for successful Dharma practice for ourselves, yogis on the path.
These prayer flags are not mere decorations. They bear sacred text, and therefore are to be considered sacred objects. Please treat them with respect, just as you would treat a Buddhist statue or thanka. Do not put them on the floor, do not step over them, and do not place other objects on top of them. Hang up the prayer flags in a clean place high off the ground. “Treating the representations of Body, Speech and Mind with respect and veneration creates a tremendous amount of merit.” – Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
Product details: 100% cotton fabric and hemp thread, made in Nepal. Each roll of 15 flags is 3 meters (9.8 feet) long, plus an additional 30-35 cm (12-14 inches) of thread on each side for tying to a support. Each flag is 20 x 27 cm (7.85 x 10.6 inches).