Thanka of Troma Nagmo (black form of Vajrayogini) with retinue from the Chokling Tersar tradition. The Dharma Ratna shop offers replicas of this thanka printed on high quality canvas, adorned with standard quality blue brocade, and blessed by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.
This thanka of Troma Nagmo is a visualization support for the Chöd practice of Chokling Tersar – Tersar Lüjin (The Concise Daily Liturgy for Giving the Body). Within Chokling Tersar this sadhana belongs to the completion stage section of the cycle of Dechen Gyalpo, one of the 12 manifestations of Guru Rinpoche from the Tukdrub Barché Künsel cycle. Composed by Guru Rinpoche himself, the Tersar Lüjin root text was concealed as a terma and later revealed by the great tertön Chokgyur Lingpa, and arranged as a sadhana by Karmey Khenpo Rinchen Dargye.
The main figure of the thanka is Troma Nagmo. She and other dakinis are manifestations of Dorje Phagmo (Vajravarahi), depicted right above her head. Surrounding Dorje Phagmo are Kuntuzangpo (Samantabhadra) yabyum, Guru Rinpoche, and Dechen Gyalpo with consort. Surrounding Troma Nagmo are dakinis of the five buddha families: Dorje Khandro (Vajra Dakini, white), Leykyi Khandro (Karma Dakini, green), Sangye Khandro (Buddha Dakini, blue), Rinchen Khandro (Ratna Dakini, yellow), and Pema Khandro (Padma Dakini, red).
Below are the Dharma protectors: Gönpo Chakzhipa (four-armed wisdom protector, in the middle), the five Tseringma sisters, and Karak Khyungtsünma.
Product details
Thankas with brocade are available in medium size:
Size of the image without brocade: 27 cm wide x 41 cm long (11 x 16.5 inch)
Size of piece with brocade: 72 cm wide at the bottom x 96 cm long (28 x 37.5 inch)
Weight 670 gram
Images on canvas without brocade are available in 2 sizes:
small: 18.5 x 28 cm (7.5 x 11 inch) (A4 format)
medium: 28 x 41.5 cm (11 x 16.5 inch)